News 2022


Ras Al Khaimah familiarisation trip

Organisation: RAK and SOIT – Society of Incentive Travel Organisers.

Programme: visit to hotels and traction for MICE groups.


IBTM fair in Barcelona

Lunch at the Nuclo restaurant with MICE Agencies from Poland, organized jointly with Level UP Incentives, Conferences, Events.

Trade fair meetings with contractors from all over the world.


General Meeting of the Meetings and Events Industry Council.

Participation in the Audit Committee on behalf of Site Poland.

Elections for the next term of office as a member of the audit committee.


Trade fair TT – Warsaw, Nadarzyn

Meeting international collegues and  suppliers.


Meet the Bidder Trade Fair – Warsaw, Arche Hotel

Representation of Site Poland.


Young Leaders group meeting with Mentors and Programme Managers  from Site Poland.

YOUNG leaders pic 1

International Conference dedicated to inbound tourism to Poland with the participation of hosted buyers from all over the world.

Speaking on the panel “Sustainable travel”.

Presentation of the results of Site Poland’s survey on the Agency’s knowledge and commitment to sustainability.

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